1 Month Challenge Of....yFood?

1 Month Challenge Of....yFood?
Is this the future of food?

So many months ago, I embarked on a journey to try and get myself fitter. Working Mon to Fri 9am-5pm, research, studying and resting 5pm to 9pm and then working again 10pm-midnight, I was piling the weight on. Junk food became my bets friend and ultimate quick win. With that I looked at myself and saw myself at 17st. Being only 5ft 7", it wasn't a great sight so I started to hit the gym of midnight to 3am. I know, not wise but its the only time I've got. Plus your not looked at by other people at the gym who literally look like they've been juicing on steroids....I'll be honest, wouldn't put it past them since this is Burnley!

One of my biggest problems is time. I can't buy more of it no matter how much I try so getting good quality meals is often limited. I don't mind cooking myself but time is not my friend in the hectic schedule I work within.

Given my body is now used to working these longer hours and my intense cardio workout at the gym seems to be working (I've lost 1.5 stone in 6 months!), I need to find ways to eat smarter. Keep off the junk food but and continue making progress. With that in mind I have seemingly found "yFood".

So what Is yFood?

Well that's a good question to be honest. From what I can make out its powdered stuff in liquid. Apparently 1 x 500ml drink is enough to keep your hunger at bay for good 5 hours so you may need 2 a day to keep the hunger at bay. Apparently it's got "all 26 essential vitamins and minerals". Granted looking at the info, not a whole lot of those (ie 20% of say Vitamin C). Whether this is your daily intake I've got no idea to be honest.

Thinking back at this, I could have got a loads of greens, strawberries, mangos etc and what not and stuck them in blender. May have achieved the same thing and probably even healthier but in todays cost of living, probably works out more expensive and with me being a cheapskate Yorkshireman, got to think of the bigger picture.

Those who know me know my motto;

"Living a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget"

Will I be take to stick to this yFood for a month?

I'm going to say probably not.

I mean, if you put fish and chips round me they'll be chucked down my throat in no time like a human dustbin but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

32 bottles has cost me £90 roughly delivered directly from yFood themselves so at minimum I will have a go. Whether this lasts longer than this is anyone else's guess though.

Will It be pure yFood?

This, I haven't decided yet. I think I will do my usual of eating blueberries or raspberries alongside this yFood or maybe even just Chicken. We'll see. The ultimate aim of this is to ensure I get enough vitamins inside to continue the hectic hours I work and have the energy for the gym to shed the weight off.

Be sure to check back and see my collective thoughts on this.